Contract law and law of torts

A company’s working environment consists of a network of rights and corresponding obligations. Rights and obligations are usually based on various contracts and commitments. Our attorneys have extensive experience and profound knowledge of various contract law related matters.
Problems concerning companies’ legal liabilities have lately become ever more numerous. Our attorneys are able to detect already in advance possible risks resulting from legal liabilities. Foreseeing such risks is essential for managing them successfully already at the stage of contract negotiations and drafting and in particular at a later stage when the contract shall be implemented.

Long term co-operation with our clients enables our attorneys to fully understand each client’s business. We are getting better and better at achieving these objectives by means of various contractual arrangements.

We assist our clients in drawing up all kinds of contracts. It often makes sense to contact us already at the negotiation stage so that we can ensure a final outcome that fulfills the client’s objectives and that also is legally secure.

Naturally, our attorneys are at our clients’ disposal also in cases of breach of contract. Presenting various claims usually requires quick reaction against breaches of contract.

Persons in charge

Janne Vuorilahti
Jarkko Lehtokannas